User Guide


BryteFlow uses a micro services architecture where each source and target data replication pipeline is independent and can be decoupled. The source and destination pair can run on premises or on the cloud or on another server as per the requirements. This prevents a single point of failure, and allows concurrency and independent scaling. One large source does not affect the performance of the other sources. Each Ingest instance comes along with the companion software modules – XL Ingest, TruData and Blend. These borrow the configuration from the Ingest instance. It is recommended that these are located with Ingest, but again, these could be decoupled for performance or security considerations. BryteFlow ControlRoom provides a consolidated interface across all the data pipelines.


Prerequisites for software on the server

The following softwares are required to be installed on the server:

  1. The server should have 64-bit Open jdk 1.8
  2. Google Chrome
  3. For Oracle database as a destination ONLY:
    • Please install Oracle client corresponding to the version of Oracle at destination database.
  4. For SQL Server sources and SQL Server destinations ONLY:  Install bcp – Microsoft Utility and below drivers:

Setup BryteFlow Suite

Setting up BryteFlow suite of products on an On premises windows server can be done in few easy steps. Please ensure there is connectivity to the sources and targets from this server.

  1. Download the software from the link provided on the server where the software needs to be installed.
  2. Unzip it to the installation directory of your choice .
  3. This will have entire BryteFlow suite under the main directory named ‘bryteflow’.
  4. If you are planning to setup more than one BryteFlow instances, its good to rename the main install directory ‘bryteflow’ to ‘bryteflow-<source1>’ to avoid any conflict.

Setup BryteFlow Ingest

Setting up BryteFlow Ingest in few easy steps:

  1. Once the software is downloaded and unzipped.
  2. Go to ‘ingest’ directory under the main directory ‘bryteflow’.
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the directory to ‘ingest’
  5. Execute  “Install-BryteFlow Ingest Service.bat”
  6. ‘BryteFlow Ingest’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:8081 
  9. Proceed to complete Ingest setup by configuring the Source db and Destination db.
  10. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer this section.

Creating new pipeline in BryteFlow Ingest

Creating new pipeline in BryteFlow Ingest:

  1. Once the software is downloaded and unzipped.
  2. Go to ‘ingest’ directory under the main directory ‘bryteflow’.
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the directory to ‘ingest’
  5. Execute  “Install-BryteFlow Ingest Service.bat”
  6. ‘BryteFlow Ingest’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:8081 
  9. It will prompt to use existing instance or create a new instance. Click on ‘New Instance’
  10. Go to the ‘Configuration’ tab
  11. Update the ‘Web Port’ value to the desired port no., apply and save the changes. For eg: 8082
  12. Stop the ‘BryteFlow Ingest’ service from windows service manager.
  13. Go to Ingest installation directory in file explorer. For eg. C:\ingest\
  14. Edit ingest.xml to update the ‘id, name and description’ to the name of the pipeline.
  15.  Save the file. Start the new service from Windows service manager.
  16. Launch the application on Google Chrome browser on the new port. For eg. localhost:8082
  17. Proceed to setup the source and destination connection details for the new pipeline.
  18. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer this section.

Prerequisites for Source Databases

In order to capture the database changes the software needs access to database logs. To make these available there are certain permissions required for each databases. Depending on the source database please perform the prerequisite steps. For change data capture via timestamps or if only full extracts are required, BryteFlow will support any database that can connect via a jdbc connection string, and these prerequisites are not required.

MS SQL Server source

SQL Server prerequisites depend on the replication option chosen, Change Tracking or Change Data Capture. Prerequisites for each option are described in detail below.


Prerequisites for SQL Server Change Tracking

1. bcp – Microsoft Utility has been installed for MS SQL Server as source
As per prerequisites please check that bcp has been installed on the server by opening a command window and typing “bcp -v” . If not please refer to the section above.
 2. Enable Change Tracking for a database in MS SQL Server

This section applies to MS SQL Server, the version should be higher than 2008.

  • To enable Change Tracking at the database level execute the following query:
    ALTER DATABASE databasename
  • Enable Change Tracking at the table level as below execute the following query:
    ALTER TABLE tablename
  • Enable Change Tracking at the database and table level for all the databases and tables to be replicated.
  • To enable view permission to event viewer logs execute the following query:

3. Grants and Permission

  • The BryteFlow Ingest database replication login  user should have VIEW CHANGE TRACKING permission to view the Change Tracking information.
    GRANT VIEW CHANGE TRACKING ON schema.tablename TO BryteFlow user;

*** Please Note:  If you are configuring BryteFlow Ingest for a completely new SQL Server database, Please make sure to perform at least ‘One Transaction’ on the database to generate the log sequence number for BryteFlow to start with.


Prerequisites for SQL Server Change Data Capture

1. bcp – Microsoft Utility has been installed for MS SQL Server as source
As per prerequisites please check that bcp has been installed on the server by opening a command window and typing “bcp -v” . If not please refer to the section above.
 2. Enable Change Data Capture for a database in MS SQL Server

This section applies to MS SQL Server, the version should be higher than 2008.

  • To enable Change Data Capture at the database level execute the following query:
    Use <databasename>;
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;
  • Enable Change Data Capture at the table level as below execute the following query:
    USE <databasename>
    EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table
    @source_schema = ‘<schema_name>’,
    @source_name = ‘<table_name>’,
    @role_name = null,
    @supports_net_changes = 0;
  • Enable Change Data Capture at the database and table level for all the databases and tables to be replicated.
  • Configure Retention of CDC data
    • By default, SQL Server CDC configure the data retention period of 3 days. In other words, CDC keeps all the data changes history for 3 days ONLY and the rest will be cleaned (deleted)
    • To modify the default retention run the below SQL

      --Update minutes in the CDC job
      USE <databasename>
      EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_change_job
      @job_type = N'cleanup',
      @retention = @New_retention_period_in_minutes;

3. Check if the SQL Server Agent has been started

Use Microsoft configuration Manager to turn on the SQL Server Agent.
The SQL Server Agent should be running.

Oracle as a source database connector

1. Prerequisites for an On-Premises Oracle Server

Supported Oracle versions – Oracle 9i and above.

Execute the following queries on Oracle Server to enable change tracking. For RDS Oracle refer to the user guide here.

  • Oracle database should be in ARCHIVELOG mode.
  • The supplemental logging has to be turned on at the database level. Supplemental logging is required so that additional details are logged in the archive logs.
    To turn on supplemental logging at the database level, execute the following statements:


  • Alternatively to turn on minimal database supplemental logging execute the following statements:
  • In Oracle, ensure that supplemental logging is turned on at the table level. To turn on supplemental logging at the table level, execute the following statement:

Prerequisites for a database on Amazon Oracle RDS

  • In Oracle on Amazon RDS, the supplemental logging should be turned on at the database level.
  • Supplemental logging is required so that additional details are logged in the archive logs.
    To turn on supplemental logging at the database level, execute the following queries.
  • To retain archived redo logs on your DB instance, execute the following command (example 24 hours)
    rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.set_configuration('archivelog retention hours',24);
  • To turn on supplemental logging at the table level, execute the following statement

Grants required for Oracle source connector

Grants and Permission required for Oracle database as a source connector

  • SELECT access on all tables to be replicated
  • The following security permissions should be assigned to the user:


  • Run the following grant statements for <user> for the above requirements:
    GRANT execute_catalog_role TO <user>;
    GRANT LOGMINING to <user>; -- This is required for Oracle 12c and higher versions 
    **For Oracle 10g only 

    For Oracle 19c Continuous Logmining, Please provide additional grant as below:


    GRANT SELECT ON V_$Log TO <user>;

GRANT SELECT ON V_$Logfile TO <user>;

For Oracle Pluggable databases, please execute ALL ABOVE grants on the root database.

Verification of Oracle source

To verify if Oracle is setup correctly for change detection execute the following queries.

Condition to be checked SQL to be executed Result expected
Is ArchiveLog mode enabled?
SELECT log_mode 
Is Supplemental logging turned on at database level?
SELECT supplemental_log_data_min
Is Supplemental Logging turned on at table level?
SELECT log_group_name, 
  FROM dba_log_groups;
RESULT <log group name>, <table name>, ALWAYS, ALL COLUMN LOGGING

Prerequisites for On-premises MySQL source

To prepare MySQL for change tracking perform the following steps.

  1. Enable Change Tracking

To enable binary logging, the following parameters need to be configured as below in my.ini file on MySQL on Windows or in my.cnf file on MySQL on UNIX:

Parameter Value
server_id Any value from 1.
E.g. server_id = 1
 log_bin=<path> Path to the binary log file.
E.g. log_bin = D:\MySQLLogs\BinLog
binlog_format binlog_format=row
expire_logs_days To avoid disk space issues it is strongly recommended not to use the default value (0).
E.g. expire_log_days = 4
 binlog_checksum This parameter can be set to binlog_checksum=none.
BryteFlow does support CRC32 as well
binlog_row_image binlog_row_image=full



Prerequisites for MySQL on Amazon RDS as a source

Enabling Change tracking on MySQL on Amazon RDS

To enable change tracking MySQL on Amazon RDS perform the following steps.

  1. In the AWS management console, for MySQL on Amazon RDS create a new DB parameter group and the following parameters should be configured as shown.
  2. The MySQL RDS DB instance should use the newly created DB parameter group for binary logging to be enabled.
binlog_format: binlog_format=row
binlog_checksum : binlog_checksum=none OR CRC32.

Grants required for MySQL source

The Ingest user id must have the following privileges:

  1. Replication client, and Replication Slave.
  2. Select privileges on the source tables designated for replication.
  3. Execute the following queries to grant permissions to a MySQL user.
CREATE USER 'bflow_ingest_user' IDENTIFIED BY '*****';

P.S. If the source DB type is Amazon RDS MySQL DB, please download 'mysqlbinlog.exe' and add its directory path in Windows 'Environment variable' 'PATH' on the Client machine(BryteFlow Server)

Prerequisites for Maria DB on Amazon RDS

To enable change tracking on MariaDB on Amazon RDS perform the following steps :

  1. In the AWS management console, for MariaDB on Amazon RDS create a new DB parameter group and the following parameters should be configured as shown.
  2. The MariaDB RDS DB instance should use the newly created DB parameter group for binary logging to be enabled.

binlog_format: binlog_format=row

binlog_checksum : binlog_checksum=none OR CRC32.

     3. Please have an User account for BryteFlow that has the following privileges:



SUPER – (Required only in MySQL versions before 5.6.6)

The user must also have SELECT privileges for the source tables selected for replication.

Prerequisites for PostgreSQL source

  1. Use a PostgreSQL database that is version 9.4.x or later
  2. The IP address of the BryteFlow machine must be added to the pg_hba.conf
    configuration file with the “replication” keyword in the database field.
    host replication all 189.452.1.212/32 trust
  3. Set the following parameters and values in the postgresql.conf configuration file as below.
  •  Set wal_level = logical
  • Set max_replication_slots to a value greater than 1.The max_replication_slots value should be set according to the number of tasks that you want to run. For example, to run four tasks you need to set a minimum of four slots. Slots open automatically as soon as a task starts and remain open even when the task is no longer running. You need to manually delete open slots.
  • Set max_wal_senders to a value greater than 1.The max_wal_senders parameter sets the number of concurrent tasks that can run.
  • Set wal_sender_timeout =0
  • The wal_sender_timeout parameter terminates replication connections that are inactive longer than the specified number of milliseconds. Although the default is 60 seconds, we recommend that you set this parameter to zero, which disables the timeout mechanism.

Note:- After changing these parameters, a restart is needed for PostgreSQL

  1. Grant ‘superuser’ permissions for the user account specified for the PostgreSQL source database. Superuser permissions are needed to access replication-specific functions in the source.
  2. Create a logical replication slot for the database you want to sync by running the following command:
  • SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot(‘bflow_replication_slot’, ‘test_decoding’);

Preparing Salesforce account for BryteFlow Ingest

On Salesforce Change Data Capture is turned on by default, please do not turn it off.

You would need to generate a security token to be used with Bryteflow Ingest.
A security token is a case-sensitive alphanumeric key that appended to your Salesforce password.

eg. Your Salesforce password to be used with Ingest will be “<your Salesforce password ><security_token>”

A token can be generated by following these steps:
1. Log in to your salesforce account and go to My Setting > Personal > Reset my security token.
2. Click on Reset Security Token button. The token will be emailed to the email account associated with your salesforce account.

For getting all the required permissions for data replication please refer to the Salesforce Documentation.


Prerequisites for SAP Odata based extraction for S/4HANA System

SAP S/4HANA System: 

For ODP Based Extraction or CDS view Based Extraction below components are needed:

  1. SAP NetWeaver Version: 7.5 Support Pack Level 4 & Above
  2. SAP Gateway Component (SAP_GWFND) should be installed
  3. System Alias has to be defined, if this is not defined at a minimum LOCAL System alias is required
  4. SAP Gateway needs to be Activated
  5. Check for ODP Release check mark in transaction RSA6 for the required extractors
  6. OData Service / CDS views need to be built on an Extractor & registered for data extraction
  7. For extraction from the SAP HANA database layer, please refer to the prerequisites for SAP HANA database extraction below.

Prerequisites for SAP HANA database extraction

Pre-Requisites for SAP HANA (Change tracking) :

1.Create a user account for BryteFlow.

2.BryteFlow replication user should have ‘select‘ access on the tables to be replicated.
BryteFlow replication user should have access to ‘create triggers’ to be replicated

Grant below privileges to BryteFlow user created above.

3. BryteFlow replication user should have access to a schema where it can create a table on the source database.
This is used to store transactions for restart and recoverability

Grant below privileges to BryteFlow user created above.

4. Provide ABAP_READ role to the BryteFlow replication user to provide access to the application layer objects

Prerequisites for SAP Odata based extraction for ECC 6.0 System

SAP ECC 6.0 System: 

For ODP Based Extraction or CDS view Based Extraction below components are needed for ECC6.0:

  1. SAP NetWeaver Version: 7.5 Support Pack Level 4 & Above
  2. SAP Gateway Component (SAP_GWFND) should be installed
  3. System Alias has to be Defined, if not define it at least LOCAL System alias is needed.
  4. SAP Gateway needs to be Activated.
  5. Check for ODP Release check mark in transaction RSA6 for the required extractors
  6. OData Service / CDS views need to be built on an Extractor & registered for data extraction.

Prerequisites for SAP Odata based extraction for SAP BW System

For ODP Based Extraction on SAP BW System, below components are needed: 

  1. SAP Netweaver Version: 7.5 Support Pack Level 4 & Above
  2. SAP Gateway Component (SAP_GWFND) should be installed
  3. SAP BW Version: 7.5 SP4 & Above
  4. System Alias has to be Defined, if not define atleast LOCAL System alias is needed.
  5. SAP Gateway needs to be Activated.
  6. BW extractor needs to be created for the info providers & release the extractor for ODP by using program “BS_ANLY_DS_RELEASE_OD
  7. OData Service needed to build on Extractor & registered for data Extraction.

Verification steps for SAP Odata based extraction

  1. Check the SAP component versions in system status as mentioned below:

2. In transaction SPRO check System Alias. At a minimum, the LOCAL System alias is required.


3. Check that SAP Gateway is activated.


4.  Check for ODP Release check mark for ODP extractors in transaction RSA6.



Setup BryteFlow XL Ingest

BryteFlow XL Ingest is a companion software to BryteFlow Ingest. It does the initial loads for huge volume tables.

The setup is easy as it reads through the Ingest config for source and destination databases.

Follow below steps to do the install:

  1. Once BryteFlow Ingest is setup and running.
  2. Go to the main directory ‘bryteflow’->’xlingest’
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the path to ‘xlingest’ directory
  5. Execute  “Install-BryteFlow XL Ingest Service.bat”
  6. ‘BryteFlow XL Ingest’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:8084
  9. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer this section.

Setup BryteFlow Trudata

BryteFlow Trudata is a companion software to BryteFlow Ingest. It reconciles the source and destination tables in near real-time.

The setup is easy as it reads through the Ingest config for source and destination database details.

Follow below steps to do the install:

  1. Once BryteFlow Ingest is setup and running.
  2. Go to the main directory ‘bryteflow’->’trudata’
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the path to ‘trudata’ path
  5. Execute  “Install-BryteFlow Trudata Service.bat”
  6. ‘BryteFlow Trudata’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:8085
  9. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer this section.

Setup BryteFlow Blend

BryteFlow Blend is a companion software to BryteFlow Ingest. Its used to perform data transformations of AWS S3.

The setup is easy as it reads through the Ingest config for AWS details.

Follow below steps to do the install:

  1. Once BryteFlow Ingest is setup and running.
  2. Go to the main directory ‘bryteflow’->’blend’
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the path to ‘blend’ path
  5. Execute  “Install-BryteFlow Blend Service.bat”
  6. ‘BryteFlow Blend’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:8082
  9. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer this section.

Applying License Key

BryteFlow Suite of products when setup in Non-AMI  environment comes with a validity which is specific to each customers agreement. Make sure you get the valid license keys in order to begin with software usages. Each software comes with its own product id when setup individually.

NOTE: Licensing is not applicable when sourced from the AWS Marketplace.

Here is how to apply license keys for each:

Apply License Key in BryteFlow Ingest

To get a valid license go to Configuration tab, then to the License tab and email the “Product ID” to the BryteFlow support team –

Apply License Key in BryteFlow XL Ingest

To get a valid license go to Configuration tab and email the “Product ID” to the BryteFlow support team –



Apply License Key in BryteFlow TruData

To get a valid license go to Configuration tab and email the “Product ID” to the BryteFlow support team –

Apply License Key in BryteFlow Blend

To get a valid license go to ‘Setup‘ tab then select ‘AWS Location‘ in the left menu. Please email the “Product ID” to the BryteFlow support team –

Setup BryteFlow Control Room

Setting up BryteFlow Control Room on an On premises windows server can be done in few easy steps.

  1. Download the software from the link provided on the server where the software needs to be installed.
  2. Unzip it to the installation directory, preferably at the same level of ‘bryteflow’
  3. In order to install the service open windows command prompt with ‘Run as Administrator’
  4. Change the directory to the path of ‘controlroom’
  5. Execute ‘Install-BryteFlow controlroom Service.bat’
  6. ‘BryteFlow Controlroom’ service is now installed on the server.
  7. Go to Windows ‘services’ and start the service for Ingest.
  8. Launch the user interface from google chrome browser with the URL: localhost:9091
  9. Make sure you have a valid license before starting the replication. For more details on how to get the license key refer to this section.


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