Get complete summary of the current Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=rstat&func=get&_=<current timestamp in ms>
Method: GET
URL Params:
Response: The response of the above API is a text response as shown below:
Configure Source Databases in BryteFlow Ingest using below API :
BryteFlow’s API allows you to do the source database configuration.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=conn&conn=s
Method: POST
Request Body:
func=save&src-db=<database name>&src-host=<database host>&src-options=&src-port=<database port>&src-pwd=<database password>&src-pwd2=<database password>&src-type=rds.oracle11lm&src-uid=<database user id>&type=src
URL Params:
Payload Params:
Configure Destination Databases using below API :
URL : http://host:port/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=conn&conn=d
Method: POST
Request Body:
func=save&dst-bucket=<S3 bucket>&dst-db=<database name>&dst-dir=<S3 work directory>&dst-host=<Redshift host>&dst-iam_role=<IAM Role>&dst-options=&dst-port=<Redshift port>&dst-pwd=<Redshift password>&dst-pwd2=<Redshift password>&dst-type=rds.redmulti&dst-uid=<Redshift user id>&type=dst
URL Params:
Payload Params:
Configure AWS login credentials.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=conn&conn=f
Method: POST
Request body:
file-kms=<KMS id>&file-reg=<AWS region>&file-s3key=<Access Key Id>&file-s3skey=<Secrect Access Key>&file-type=<aws.cred|aws.iam>&func=save&type=file
URL Params:
Payload Params:
Change the Extract scheduler to on or off.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=rstat&func=<on|off>&_=<current timestamp in ms>
Method: GET
URL Params:
Save extraction settings for a table.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=dbwc
Method: POST
Request body:
func=save&key=<table name>&tab-mask=<masked column>&tab-pfold=<partitioning folder>&tab-pkey=<primary key column>&tab-where=<where clause>&tab-xfer=<DH|DP>&type=tab
URL Params:
Payload Params:
API to set Skip Initial Extract status to on or off.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=dbwc
Method: POST
Request body:
func=save&key=<table name>&tab-skip=<Y|N>&type=tab
URL Params:
Payload Params:
API to set Redo Initial Extract status to on or off.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=dbwc
Method: POST
Request body:
func=save&key=<table name>&tab-redo=<Y|N>&type=tab
URL Params:
Payload Params:
API to schedule full extract of selected tables from the Schedule page.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=sched
Method: POST
Request body:
delta-daily-value=<hh:mm>&delta-periodic-value=<DdHHhMMm DdHHhMMm>&delta-select=<auto|periodic|daily|weekly>&delta-weekly-value=<hh:mm>&func=fulldata&type=schedule
Initiate delta run manually in BryteFlow Ingest
API to manually initiate Delta Extract of selected tables.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=sched&func=delta
Method: POST
API to schedule full extract of new tables only from the Schedule page.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=sched
Method: POST
Request body:
delta-daily-value=<hh:mm>&delta-periodic-value=<DdHHhMMm DdHHhMMm>&delta-select=<auto|periodic|daily|weekly>&delta-weekly-value=<hh:mm>&func=syncdata&type=schedule
API to sync the table structures on the source with that on the destination from the Schedule page.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=sched
Method: POST
Request body:
delta-daily-value=<hh:mm>&delta-periodic-value=<DdHHhMMm DdHHhMMm>&delta-select=<auto|periodic|daily|weekly>&delta-weekly-value=<hh:mm>&func=syncstruct&type=schedule
API to save the delta extract frequency from the Schedule page.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=sched
Method: POST
Request body:
delta-daily-value=<hh:mm>&delta-periodic-value=<DdHHhMMm DdHHhMMm>&delta-select=<auto|periodic|daily|weekly>&delta-weekly-value=<hh:mm>&func=save&type=schedule
Get loaded records count for the current Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=grf&func=<d or m>
Method: GET
URL Params:
Get the list of selected Tables for the current Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=croom&func=list
Method: GET
URL Params:
API to add or remove a table from the list of tables selected to be extracted.
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?
Method: POST
Request body:
Configure Recovery for the current Ingest pipeline using below API :
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=cop&id=4
Method: PATCH
URL Params:
Request Payload:
The payload will be in the form of a JSON array with four objects, each corresponding to a different field and it’s value.
{ “name”: “src_db_name”, “value”: <Pipeline name> },
{ “name”: “rec_enable”, “value”: <Y or N> },
{ “name”: “rec_s3dir”, “value”: <Recovery S3 directory> },
{ “name”: “rec_kms_id”, “value”: <KMS Id> }
The value for ‘src_db_name’ is the name with which this Ingest Pipeline should be identified.
The ‘rec_enable’ field is used to enable or disable the recovery feature. It’s value will be ‘Y’ to enable and ‘N’ to disable.
The ‘rec_s3dir’ specifies the path to the S3 directory where all the data related to the recovery of current Ingest pipeline is saved.
The ‘rec_kms_id’ field holds the KMS id string.
If the above data is saved successfully, the response would be –
{ “success”: true }
If the data could not be saved due to some error, the response would be –
{ “success”: false, “error”: <Error message> }
Get the Recovery status for the current Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest?cmd=ha
Method: GET
URL Params:
Get the licence information for Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=co&
Method: GET
URL Params:
Save new licence key for Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest/api/ingest?cmd=cop&
Method: PATCH
JSON Payload:
“name”: “_lic_prod”,
“value”: “xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx”
“name”: “_lic_key”,
“value”: “xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx”
“name”: “_lic_status”,
“value”: “Expires on 01 Nov 2023 (Standard Edition 10TB)”
URL Params:
Provide the data during the Recovery process for the current Ingest instance:
URL: http://<host>:<port>/ingest?cmd=hap
Method: POST
URL Params:
Request Payload and Response:
To recover an existing instance, the payload would be –
“code“: “NEW_OR_RECOVER”,
“type”: “recover”
The response would be –
“code“: “GET_AWS_PARAMS”,
“description“: “Enter AWS Access Details”
BryteFlow Enterprise Manager API details are as below:
Below API will generate the bearer token for authorization of further communication with the enterprise
manager APIs:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/authenticate
Method: POST
Request Payload: Raw(JSON)
{ “username”: <User Name>, “password”: <Password> }
Below API will return the list of templates:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/api/templates
Method: POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Below API will create a new instance:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/api/instance
Method: POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Request Payload: Raw(JSON)
“id”: “”,
“product”: “ingest”,
“template”: <templateName>,
“status”: “stopped”,
“config”: [
“name”: “webPort”,
“value”: <port>
“name”: “InstanceName”,
“value”: <name>
Below API will start or stop the specified instance:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/api/instance/:id/:cmd
Method: POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Path variables:
id: (Required) Id of the instance.
cmd: (Required) Values can be start or stop.
Below API will delete the specified instance:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/api/:id
Method: DELETE
Authorization: Bearer Token
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer <Token>
Path variables:
id: (Required) Id of the instance.
Below API will return the list of all instances:
URL: https://<host>:<port>/api/instance
Method: GET
Authorization: Bearer Token
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer <Token>